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The Anxiety Trap- Life After Lockdown

It’s hard at the moment for everyone, but it can feel at times that it is just yourself stuck feeling this way during the current disruption in our everyday lives. There are millions of people in the UK struggling with Anxiety with an increase in this figure since Covid-19. Anxiety can get the best of us at most times but with this sudden change in our lifestyles and the way we interact with others it can bring feelings of worry and uncertainty to the surface.

A question raised a lot by students is what will happen once lockdown is over, what will life be like and although no one yet in the UK has laid out a clear strategy of what will happen, we wanted to try to answer some questions students have been asking to see if we can be of some support to help you ease back in to life after lockdown.

I worry about going outside.

When anxious we tend to get trapped in false or limited ways of thinking. These thought patterns can cause a negative spiral in to a sense of helplessness. This can then create a wash, rinse and repeat experience were you spiral in to negative thoughts about what will happen once we are allowed back out fully. This can be known as the Anxiety Trap.

Every day you might have said to yourself, I’ll go for a walk tomorrow but the fear of going outside can cause some unrest and you choose to stay indoors instead, when outside you can get anxious about what you would do if you are walking towards a group of 4/5 people or if someone is coming towards you- do you cross the road or stay on route?

This worry has become more popular since lockdown has been eased. If you are struggling to get outside try to start by just going for a short walk around the block or even just to the entrance of your flat/house, there you can take 5 minutes, check in with how you’re feeling and move on from there.

Tip: Mel Robbins a leading motivational coach is offering daily talks on YouTube for people struggling with their anxiety and mindset during this time.

I worry about university- what’s going to happen with my course?

With some universities stating they will be moving lectures online for the first term other universities are yet to announce what they plan to do. However, this does not mean that you will not experience the same level of learning as in previous years. This will give you more of a chance for you to engage with others online, once face-to-face teaching commences you can be assured that social distancing schemes will be in place to keep you safe.

Your university should be in touch with you to communicate what they expect from you in terms of coursework.

Reach out to your tutors or wellbeing support team now if you are concerned about what will happen for reassurance.

Tip: Make a list of all the things you’ve got to do uni wise- get started on creating a schedule and slowly chip away at your list each day. This will stop everything feeling so overwhelming and help you focus on this new way of learning.

If I’m graduating how am I going to get a job in this climate?

Although the economy has taken a massive hit with the current pandemic this doesn’t mean that there are no jobs for students graduating. You could get in touch with your careers team at your university to see what advice they have for graduates. You could make the most of recruitment agencies and review the graduate jobs website to see what is available. Try networking on LinkedIn, create a profile so recruiters can see what skills you have to offer.

Tip: Graduate schemes are still taking place around the UK for more information on graduate schemes click here.

I’m worried my student loan won’t cover my financial needs.

You will still receive your maintenance loan and you can still apply for the next academic years’ worth of finance. If you’re having trouble repaying your student loan because of the virus then don’t worry, you will only be required to pay your money back when you’re earning over the set threshold.

If at the moment you have either lost your job or are struggling with rent you can also speak to your university support team where a scheme is set up called the student hardship fund. This can offer advice and guidance on what can be done to support you through this period.

Tip: take a look at the government support scheme here.

What will happen with freshers and other social events?

This is still to be decided do not worry about this at the moment, if your concern as a fresher is finding and meeting friends there will be a lot of opportunities for you to meet your new course mates and also flat mates- we create our Facebook private group chats in July/August for new students to connect with each other.

Tip: Living with dwell students at the moment or in the next academic year, you can contact the resi life team on if you have any ideas for online events you would like to see happening get in touch.

During lockdown I’ve struggled with a routine- how am I going to get myself back in to one?

This is completely normal. So many others are feeling the same, trying to set a routine for yourself when everyday has felt like ground hog day can be challenging. You can start off by making little changes, maybe one week set your alarm and try to get up at the same time each day, make sure to get dressed and don’t sit around in your pyjamas.

Tip: read more here on how to get in to a routine for studying here.

Remember this isn’t forever

Going from lectures on campus, seeing your mates or grabbing a drink outside regularly and suddenly not being allowed to do this can all be a bit daunting so it’s completely understandable that students are worried at the moment about what the future will bring. But keep reminding yourself this isn’t forever, the worry of going outside and meeting others will pass, but if you need it, take advantage of the support options we have through our wellbeing partners Health Assured this service is free for dwell students and offers anonymous support 24/7, we also have site teams available to listen to any worries you may have, so please feel free to drop your site team an email if you need a chat.

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