When revising for an exam, an assignment or coursework, it’s easy to get in a bit of a funk. Whether that’s pulling all-nighters in the library, or not seeing the sun for three days whilst cramming that last bit of revision in, you may be feeling a little stressed. Everybody gets like this from time to time, it’s normal, but it’s important to not let it get on top of you.
Here are our top tips to help you deal with exam stress:
1. Plan Your Revision Timetable
Create a revision plan outlining what you need to do and when you need to do it by. Seeing it all laid out in front of you will help you to understand exactly what’s needed, and will also let you know if you need any specific materials or books to get the job done!
You could even try out these helpful studying apps to get you ready for your exam.
2. Look After Yourself
Remember to look after your mind and body. You can encourage a healthier lifestyle for yourself by changing your diet and exercise regime. Make sure you’re eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and cut down on alcohol and caffeine (if possible).
Sleep is extremely important too so make sure to get at least eight hours each night – you don’t want to be sleeping in your exam!
3. Help Each Other
Compare notes with your flatmates and course mates. If you’re not too sure on something, see if they can help – and then maybe if you understand something better than your friends, you can help them as well!
Being able to teach someone about a topic shows you have understanding of it – this will hopefully make you feel more confident going into the exam!
4. Time Outs
Regular breaks are crucial and can work wonders at making you feel better. Switch off from studies by watching a film, spending time with friends and friendly, or taking a bath.
Taking care of yourself is important too as relaxing in-between studies can be productive. It allows you to gather your thoughts ready for your next exam revision session!
5. Being Supported
If you are experiencing problems unrelated to academic life, you should check out your University’s Student Support department, or talk to someone who can help you with that.
Bottling up your feelings can make you feel worse, and speaking to someone might help you to see your problems in a different light.